Young Talents Program was created to develop professional, technical, and soft-skills of students from different technical disciplines. We put in a lot of energy and effort to mentor, coach, and teach students in a structured way to fully equip them with the right skills, ready to take on the challenges in the industry. Those students who go through this program are trained to become the future industry leaders and shapers of the technological and scientific progress. To achieve this, we created a very carefully and thoroughly thought through selection process, which is one of the most important building blocks of the program – identification of the talent. Learn more
Well Engineering School is the project organized under SPE Azerbaijan umbrella by volunteer engineers and student coordinators who invested their energy and time to support young generation’s education. The program has taken valuable step in growth of young engineers who will be future of oil industry in Azerbaijan. 2019 was the third rewarding year of the program. The main aim of the project is to gather talented students from petroleum related majors and make them ready for professional environment by enhancing their technical level of knowledge. The success stories of WES graduates allow to state that course achieved tremendous results. Majority of WES students were hired to internships and received job offers by international oil companies.Learn more
One of the key directions that our section is focused on is development of our Young Professional members including students and professionals under the age of 36. Through this Program number of young professionals share their experience and excitements in the Industry with university students through monthly presentations at University Departments. The goal of this program is to get students motivated about the career in the E&P sector and get answers to their questions about the jobs and development opportunities in the industry in general. This program is surely a win situation for both students and young professionals who willingly volunteer to participate in this program. While students gain the awareness about the industry and the career within the E&P sector, the professionals practice and improve their presentation skills as well learn how to handle a big audience.
Allows local students to meet with international student chapters either abroad or in the country to share their knowledge, history and culture, and SPE experience.
The Russia and Caspian region has an extremely active student membership and shows great potential for membership growth. To capitalize on this conference being in Baku and linking in with the regional focus on talent development, SPE hosted over 50 students from Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Russian chapters who participated in the SPE Regional Student Development Summit held alongside the conference. Reflecting the immense importance of developing the next generation of oil and gas engineers, there was a strong university-focused strand to this year’s event. During the Regional Student Development Summit sessions included soft skills courses such as Interview Skills, How To Write an SPE Paper and panel sessions. In addition, there were technical sessions highlighting issues facing the Caspian. Learn more
Not only students need development and support from the industry specialists but also, the young professionals who newly joined the industry are looking for the support from the more experienced industry specialists and experts. To fill in this gap we created Ambassador Lecture program that take place bi-monthly where senior industry specialist, expert or manager give a talk about the industry challenges, career opportunities and future trends in the business developments and technology. This year SPE Azerbaijan conducted 5 Ambassador Lectures given by professionals from Halliburton such as Khatira Mikayilova - Materials Control Supervisor, Vusala Akbarova - Training Coordinator, Ricardo Fernandez - Business Segment Manager – Wireline and Perforating, Azar Salimov-Business Segment Manager – Baroid Fluids and Firudin Abdullayev - Caspian West Tax and Accounting Supervisor
Each year, SPE selects a group of around 30 individuals who are experts in their field and capable speakers to share their expertise with SPE members through visits to local sections. The individuals are nominated by their peers, and selection by the Distinguished Lecturer (DL) Committee is a recognition of their expertise. SPE Azerbaijan Section has kept this tradition of hosting several Distinguished Lecturer sessions for the past 15 years. This year we successfully hosted 2 DL sessions conducted by Holger Thern-Technical Lead for NMR research, Baker Hughes a GE Company and Cosan Ayan-Consultant to CEO, Turkish Petroleum(TPAO). These events provide excellent opportunity got the young professioanls and experienced specialists and managers to network with their peers, exchange and share the knowledge on the regional technical issues and benefit from each others experiences.
This year SPE Azerbaijan presented a new project called Subject Matter Expert(SME) Talks which is aimed to deliver a series of high-level and merely technical lectures to young professionals and few students by more experienced industry specialists. The main idea is to discuss and share knowledge of specific topics within the E&P sector. SME Talks provides an excellent opportunity to young professionals to become aware of innovations and challenges in the industry which is usually missed due to routine work activities. This year SPE Azerbaijan organized 2 SME Talks sessions. The first session was conducted by Kasim Sadikoglu, BP Reservoir Management Advisor who has 34 years of experience in the oil&gas industry and the second one was conducted by Vugar Ismayilov, BP Geologist with 15 years of industry experience.
Brings together industry specialist in informal environment to discuss and share their knowledge on specific challenges existing in the Oil and Gas Industry in Azerbaijan.