SPE Azerbaijan has been actively working on promoting and facilitating research and studies in petroleum related topics among the students, young professionals and professors at local Universities. In 2012, several volunteering members of SPE Azerbaijan formed a small group of industry experts from various national and international companies with broad academic background and experience. The key focus of the group at its initial stages of activities was to develop various strategic directions on how the industry professionals could support the academia at local universities in conducting fit for purpose researches.

While in the first years the group’s activities were focused on establishing and building the momentum of the research culture and science in the education, in 2015 SPE Azerbaijan achieved one of the biggest milestones in the history of the organization – establishment of eiLink Research and Development center in Khazar University. The group closely collaborated with the management of Khazar University and received the biggest support and warm welcome from the founder of the University, Dr. Hamlet Isahanli.
The center has already started conducting studies and research for the industry in Geoscience and Reservoir Engineering disciplines under close mentorship and quality assurance from the industry professionals within SPE Azerbaijan. We see a great potential in this collaboration and looking to grow it in the near future.
Supporting quality PhD research in Khazar University
SPE Azerbaijan has mentored and coached hundreds of students over the last decade. This newly adopted mentorship in Khazar University is distinguished by its individualistic approach in bringing up the talent and passion for developing and applying intellect.
Khazar University PhD students below are graduates of SPE Azerbaijan Young Talents and Mentorship Programs.
Izat Shakhsenov has got his MSc degree in Applied Mathematics and Physics from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT). eiLink R&D researcher working thermodynamic, mechanical and electrical models for wettability of the porous medium.
Shahriyar Alkhasli has got his MSc degree in Petroleum/ Reservoir Engineering from The University of Tulsa, US. eiLink R&D researcher, currently involved in dynamic modelling of the fluid flow through the porous medium using Lattice-Boltzmann methods.
Elshan Aliyev has got his MSc degree in Petroleum Engineering from Colorado School of Mines (CSM), US. eiLink R&D researcher with strong rock physics expertise. He is currently working on modelling of the shale compaction trends for the South Caspian Basin.
As PhD students complete their projects, SPE Azerbaijan Research & Science Facilitation Group supports them with publications at prestigious scientific and engineering magazines. Perhaps, this is one of the most exciting and creative moments for a researcher when the outcomes of a long and hard work are being put in writing for the benefit of the whole World and especially those who will be conducting similar or relevant studies in the future.
We believe that this center is the best example of the link between education and industry with the biggest agenda of building local technical capability and supporting education. eiLink Research and Development center is not only the hub where industry talks to academia, but also a place where a lot of interactions and knowledge exchange and transfer ongoing between the professors, students and professors, and students themselves.